Research Grand Rounds Presents: “Challenges of clinical trials for Neuropsychiatric Illness - Huntington’s Disease”
Sponsor: MHRI and GHUCCTS
Time: 12 - 1:00 PM
Location: Live Stream Only
Speaker(s): Karen Elta Anderson, MD
Dr. Anderson serves as Director of the Huntington’s Disease Care, Education, and Research Center and as Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at Georgetown University. Since 2001 and leading up to her recruitment to Georgetown in 2013, she had been founding director of the Huntington’s Disease program at University of Maryland. Her center of excellence combines highly-collaborative, discipline-spanning clinical and translational research with comprehensive, multidisciplinary care. Her work underscores the centrality of rigorous human participants research, including development and validation of reproducible instruments, participant and community engagement, understanding patient-centered outcome measures, and complementary observational and mechanistic studies and clinical trials to understand and improve patient care in Huntington’s Disease. Challenges and lessons learned in this setting can inform clinical trials and clinical research focused on other diseases and in unrelated patient populations.
Research Grand Rounds are sponsored by the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) and MedStar Health Research Institute to bring together our diverse clinical and research communities to share research that spans disciplines and stages of translation to improve individual and community health.
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