TBS Alumni, Adam Caccavano (@adam_caccavano) was selected to be on the cover for the Journal of Neuroscience.

TBS Alumni, Adam Caccavano (@adam_caccavano) was selected to be on the cover for the Journal of Neuroscience.

Congratulations, Adam! His image is now the cover for the Journal of Neuroscience Volume 40, Issue 26, June 24, 2020.


This image shows a parvalbuminexpressing inhibitory basket cell (green) in the hippocampus of an amyloid-depositing 5xFAD mouse. The cell has been morphologically reconstructed after patch clamp recording of spontaneous synaptic activity during sharp wave ripple events. Non-patched parvalbumin neurons are labeled in red.

For more information, see Adam’s article at https://www.jneurosci.org/content/40/26/5116?iss=26

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